Art through research
Tim Duerinck (1991) studied violin making at the Royal Conservatory Ghent, Belgium. He did internships with Marcin Krupa in Poznan (Poland) and Yann Porret in Paris (France). During his education he took an interest in acoustics, publishing his bachelor paper in a scientific peer-reviewed journal. During his master he experimented with different materials and shapes, resulting in the creation of the Styrofoam cello. He continues his artistic research through a PhD in the art of instrument making in a cooperation between Ghent University and KASK & Conservatorium Ghent, which is funded by the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO).
In an effort to steer away from uniformity, Tim creates unique instruments in both design and use of materials. He uses a variety of materials including – but not limited to – carbon fiber, glass fiber and flax fiber to create durable music instruments with a unique sound. As such he pushes the boundaries of what is believed to be possible in the violin making community. Tim is part of a select group of researchers and violin makers who exchange knowledge and insights during annual meetings and workshops such as the Oberlin Acoustics workshop (USA) or the Villefavard acoustics workshop (France). He is currently a teacher at the Royal Conservatory of Ghent and shares his know-how with a broader audience through social media and videos in which he demonstrates his making process.
Tim Duerinck’s instruments have been used in a variety of international concerts and have been exhibited as visual pieces of art by Design Museum Gent, The Cello Museum and BOZAR. Composers Patrick Housen and Reinhard Vanbergen have written music specifically for his instruments.
Awards / Laureate
Henry Van de Velde (2021), Floris Van der Mueren prijs (2016), Emile Zola prijs (2016), Vlaamse scriptieprijs (2015)
As a researcher, designer and instrument maker, Tim has a broad international network of scientists, craftspeople and artists with which he collaborates and exchanges knowledge on a regular basis.

Research collaborations
Dr. Geerten Verberkmoes has a PhD in historical violin making practices. He teaches acoustics and violin making at KASK & Conservatorium Ghent and has hosted the 2nd European training school for violin makers at the Conservatory of Ghent.
Prof. Dr. Wim Van Paepegem and Prof. Dr. Mathias Kersemans are material scientists (Ghent University) with an expertise in composites and non-destructive testing. Joost Segers is a PhD candidate specializing in acquisition through Scanning Laser Doppler Vibrometers.
Prof. Dr. Marc Leman is director of IPEM, Institute for Psychoacoustic and Electronic Music and is head of the department of Art History, Musicology, and Theatre Studies at Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium. Dr. Luc Nijs is postdoctoral researcher at IPEM (Ghent University) and PhD Student in the Arts at CORPoREAL (Royal Conservatoire Antwerp).
Prof. Dr. Ewa Skrodzka (Adam Mickiewicz University) is specialized in acoustics and the modal analysis of soundboard instruments. Her book titled Eksperymentalna analiza modalna gitar i skrzypiec feates research by Tim Duerinck.
Dr. Claudia Fritz (Institut Jean le Rond d’Alembert, Sorbonne Université) is specialized in (psycho-)acoustic research on violins. She organises the annual Villefavard workshop (France) and European training school for violin makers, as well as the first virtual conference on the acoustics of the violin in 2020.